Wednesday, June 27, 2007


first time we meet :
5th August 2006 = 5/8/2006
5/8/2006 = 582006
05082006 = 5 8 2 0 0 6
5 8 2 0 0 6 = (8 - 5 ) + (2+ 0 + 0 + 6)
(8 - 5 ) + (2+ 0 + 0 + 6) = 3 + 8 = 11

Happy Anniversary Sayang . Another months goes by.
I hope our love is still the same.
I wish it grew more and more each passing day.
So that I love you more.
So that I can never stop loving you.
My happiness is be with you.
And I know you do too.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Geram Cik Nora

Geram 1

Scene : Di tempat makan

Aqil : Yang , ada something dalam gelas minuman awak tuh....

Cik Nora  : (terperanjat) Mana yang ? mana??

Aqil : tuh ais tuh.. ada beberapa ketul....

Cik Nora : (dengan geram) eeeeeeee...........................

Geram 2

Scene : Di tempat makan (seperti di atas )

Cik Nora : U selalu ke makan maggie?

Aqil : Jarang- jarang.....

Cik Nora : ooo takper lah tuh.. ingatkan selalu.....

Aqil: ........ dalam sehari.

Cik Nora : (dengan geram) eeeeeeeee.................... (disertai dengan cubit-cubian berbisa)

Geram 3

Scene : Di dalam kereta.

Aqil : Sayang , kat situ hentian bas putra . kalau nak balik kelantan atau terengganu naik kat situ.

Cik Nora : ooooooooo .

En Sardin : Kalau nak pergi Utara , naik kat Hentian Duta. Kalau nak balik ke Pahang, kena naik kat Stesen Bas Pekeliling yang dekat ngan Stesen LRT Titiwangsa. Kalau nak pergi Selatan baru naik kat Pudu.

Aqil : ooooooooo

En Sardin : Kalau nak naik bas pergi Sabah dan Sarawak, Ayang tak jumpa lagi stesen bas dia .

Cik Nora : ooooooooo........

Cik Nora : eh! mana ada bas pergi Sabah Sarawak ?!!!! Eeeeeeeee (diikuti dengan tamparan-tamparan manja di bahu Aqil )

Aqil : (gelak guling-guling)

Sunday, June 10, 2007


"If you found a perfect man , you'll end up knowing how imperfect he is.
if you found an imperfect man , you'll end up making him perfect. "

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Kelopak mata bergerak-gerak

2 3 hari nih kelopak mata aku asyik bergerak-gerak. kalau orang tua-tua kata tuh tandanya ada orang nak mati. kalau yang bergerak tuh kelopak mata kanan, ada sedara belah ayah yang meninggal , kalau belah kiri , ada sedara belah mak pulak yang meninggal.

Curious pulak. jadi nak tahu apa masalah ini berdasarkan permahaman saitifik.
hasilnya yang aku dapat dari sini

Terdapat beberapa info yang menarik . Nama saintifik utk penyakit nih adalah "myokymia".
Mengikut kata-kata pakar masalah ini adalah akibat pergerakan otot di bahagian kelopak mata atas dan kadang-kadang di bahagian kelopak mata bawah bawah . Ia amat berkait rapat dengan stress , fatigue, kurang tidur dan overdose minum kopi. Ada pulak orang kata , symptom nih sebab kurang vitamin . mungkin juga. tapi setakat nih effect sebab symptom nih tak teruk sangat kecuali menyusahkan pasal mata asyik bergerak jer.
Aku tak minum kopi sangat, jadi aku rasa sebab2 penyakit nih terjadi kat aku pasal stress dan kurang tidur. Aku bukan stress sangat tapi ada masanya kita tak sedar diri kita stress. Cik Nora selalu cakap aku stress , tapi aku rasa biasa jer hehehe. yer ah.. kau rasa kau rileks jer. tapi badan kau tak.

Kesimpulannya , ubat penyakit ini ialah : berhenti buat kerja dan pergi tidur!!!!! hehehehe


i heard someone whisper your name, but when i turned around to see who it was, i notice i was alone, then i realize it was my heart telling me that i miss u.

Monday, June 4, 2007


10 saat?

10 minit?

10 jam?

10 hari? (How to Lose a guy in 10 days)

10 bulan?
Happy Anniversary Sayang

Headache Day

sakit kepala.
macam ada cangkuk menarik-narik kepala.
balik rumah. amik panadol. tidur.
tidur penuh dengan mimpi-mimpi yang pelik .

sedikit info berkenaan sakit kepala :

Understanding Headache Pain
Headache pain can start in different structures in the head. The brain itself doesn't hurt, but other parts of the head do. Headache is a common symptom of illness, such as a cold or the flu. At other times, headaches occur without seeming to be connected to any illness. Very rarely are headaches a sign of a serious medical problem.

What Are Migraine and Tension Headaches?
Although there are several types of headaches, migraine and tension headaches affect the most people. When you have a headache, it isn't your brain that's hurting. Your head aches because nerves in the bones, blood vessels, and muscles of your head are irritated. These irritated nerves send pain signals to the brain, which identifies where you hurt and judges how bad the pain is.
Is It a Migraine?
Migraine is a throbbing pain felt on one or both sides of the head. You may feel nauseated. This headache may also be associated with changes in sight or sensation (aura). The pain may last for 4 to 72 hours. Afterward, you may feel shaky for a day or so.

Is It a Tension Headache?
This type of headache is usually a dull ache or a sensation of pressure on both sides of the head. It may be associated with pain or tension in the neck and shoulders. The pain may not have a definite beginning or end. It may come and go, or seem never to go away.

aku rasa aku kena tension headache.